A'na Rihnn

"Lost knowledge is kept hidden only so long as we lack the courage to go find it."

A'na has worn many titles in her young life. Archaeologist. Researcher. Aetherologist. Sacrificial Offering.

This ambitious woman seeks to uncover lost secrets of the past through vigilant research. With a set of loose morals when it comes to acquiring that knowledge, A'na is often at the forefront of dangerous field research. Certainly not afraid to put herself into risky situations for the sake of answers, this woman often has insights that others covet... but are too afraid to seek. Now as a member of the Mysterium, she offers her aptitude for magicks forbidden in exchange for permission to pursue the secrets of the star.

Open to all walk-up RP
A'na is a part of the Legatum Mysteria organization.


Name: A'nastazia Rihnn (A'na)
Age: 33
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Orientation: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Occupation: Researcher, Arcanist, Archaeologist

+ Cunning | Ambitious | Talented | Dilligent | Aether-Sensitive | Perceptive
- Risk-Taker | Devious | Questionable Morals | Power-Hungry

Sultry and voluptuous, A'na is rarely seen without a self-assured smirk. Garbed in a variety of ornate robes and decked with a variety of magical rings and trinkets, she cares little for fashion. Her crimson hair dangles down past her shoulders ending in highlighted curls. She either carries a book or a staff depending on her current need, and even these tend to be gaudy and ornate... clearly enchanted in some capacity.
A'na is a driven individual and has little time for people lacking the conviction to help her on her current goals. Though she can tend towards an obsessive personality, she has been known to help others with their problems though this is generally to either garner a favor or to sate her own curiosity. She can be kind to those who prove their usefulness... so long as they don't hinder her research.

Ancient Knowledge | Uncovering Secrets | Red Wines | Unique Individuals | Enchanted Items of Power | Being proven right.

Sharlayan | Lambs of Dalamud | Wishy-Washy people | Morons

A'na has always lusted after power. The daughter of a Lambs of Dalamud cult leader, her father planned to use her as a virgin sacrifice to summon a powerful voidsent. Already clever even at young adulthood, A'na promptly lost her virginity to thwart her father's goals. Always seemingly one step ahead of those who would do her wrong, A'na is perpetually in pursuit of more power to ensure she remains in control of her future.

Though she originally had a rocky start with the directors of the Mysterium for a variety of reasons, A'na nevertheless proved she could be useful and cooperate with others... and was offered membership within the Mysterium. Nowadays, she spends most of her time perusing the libraries of the Mysterium while also delving into secrets better left buried. Her latest pursuits seem to put her at odds with Sharlayan, which puts her closest companion Lalamune in an interesting predicament...


Font of Knowledge
When your options are exhausted for a solution to your problem, or you aren't sure where else to turn... A'na will cheerfully offer you her services. Her fee is generally modest, as she is in the business of 'collecting favors' with others. If you're willing to put yourself in the catte's debt, odds are she is willing to meet with and assist you.

Former Lamb of Dalamud
A lamb of Dalamud by a happenstance of birth less than by choice, A'na nevertheless has a lot of understanding into the weird world of the fanatical cult. If you are a former cult member or otherwise involved with them... there's a chance you might have spotted or remembered the catte.

Drawn to Phenomena
A'na seeks to understand that which she does not, and so if you have some sort of unique trait or power... you will immediately attract A'na's attention. The woman is extremely talented in aetherology, and can generally sense whenever something weird is going on with somebody's inherent aether. This will draw her attention... for good or ill.


I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike. I adore walkups and will do my best to reply. Feel free to whisper me if I don't reply, I may have missed your message in the chat scroll.I only have three real notes about my roleplay:Firstly - I am open to just about any sort of collaboration or introduction, including mature and dark themes... but please clear anything dramatic with me beforehand so I can prepare and make sure the idea is a good fit for both of us!Second - Please respect the IC/OOC boundaries. While I am open to the idea of character romance (and it is my favorite trope!), it is important to distinguish between IC and OOC. I am happily married IRL, and trying to push anything that happens between A'na and your character into an IRL context is the swiftest way to ensure I never want to roleplay with you again.Third - I generally try to stay lore compliant in a public setting to avoid breaking anybody's immersion. FFXIV has a very rich lore, but I am also a firm believer in the 'rule of cool'. My stories might take some creative liberties in regards to various undefined aspects of the lore. The Legatum Mysteria typically has plots that touch on some of the vaguer bits of lore and interpret them. If you prefer only to deal in absolutes in lore, please note that prying into A'na's backstory may not be the greatest fit for you. Otherwise, I absolutely love when others try to learn more about my characters and I will attempt to return the favor of your own character's history!